This song is about my favourite flowers and includes snippets of folk lore about the primrose, daffodil, poppy and bluebell. It is unashamedly English, and why not. This is a song that is just made for folk clubs and has a strong chorus. Enjoy!
The mp3 sample contains the full song but is not the same as the track on the album The Sound Of Life in which it features.
Of all the flowers of England my favourites I will tell
The primrose and the daffodil the poppy and bluebell
In countryside or city park wherever you may dwell
The primrose and the daffodil the poppy and bluebell
Now the primrose has a colour between buttermilk and gold
And she brightens up our wayside when spring days are wet and cold
By the railway line and woodland path in clusters she will lie
To delight the weary traveller she’ll try to catch your eye
For the primrose is the symbol of young love and all its joy
A reminder of sweet courting days of every girl and boy
And the daffodil’s a noble flower with tall and slender stem
As she waves her golden trumpet every new year to proclaim
By the lakeside and on village green wherever you may go
And with newborn lambs to watch her dance she’ll put on a fine show
Though the daffodil’s the emblem of St David and for Wales
She’s in every English garden and all England loves her well
And the bluebell finds a secret place in shady wood she lies
For her flowers are of purest blue like fallen angels eyes
And on every stem not one but many fragile blooms display
As she spreads a deep blue carpet that will take your breath away
She’s the flower of eternal sleep, fertility as well
And in olden times they feared her for her powerful magic spells
Now the poppy is a strange flower for she may not come each year
Only when her seed has been disturbed from sleep she troubles to appear
Then in fallow field or hedgerow she will come to life in June
She will dazzle all who see her with her tall stem and fine bloom
For the poppy wears her flower with pride with black heart set in red
As a symbol of remembrance for heroes lost and dead
© 2025 Chris Flegg All rights reserved. Edit